can RK2 and SC101 replicon type plasmids replicate in same E. coli strain?

Duncan Clark junk at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu Apr 18 07:14:48 EST 2002

Historians believe that in newspost <3CBE70FC.7711AEFD at utu.fi> on Thu, 
18 Apr 2002, Pekka Virtanen <pelavi at utu.fi> penned the following 
literary masterpiece:
>I need to consrtuct an E. coli strain which harbours two plasmids: the
>other has SC101 type replicon and the other RK2 type replicon. Can these
>replicate in the same host strain?
>Pekka Virtanen

As far as I can remember they are different so you should be OK. One way 
to find out ...

The problem with being on the cutting edge is that you occasionally get
sliced ....

Duncan Clark
GeneSys Ltd.
Tel: +44(0)1252376288
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