"Nicholas Landau" <njl2q at virginia.edu> wrote in message
news:3CB11E37.D05743F9 at virginia.edu...
>> For what it is worth, Neidhardt et al. do list a figure for the dry weight
of a
> single E. coli cell in their microbial physiology text." The figure they
> is 2.9 E-13 g. The do not include any citations for this figure
> but they do state that it is "an average of many measurements..."
> F.C., J. L. Ingraham, and M. Schaecher. 1990. Physiology of the
> Cell. Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer Associates.
On what page in Neidhardt did you find it? I wonder where I could have made
a mistake, because I based my estimations on my own experience with other
bacteria of similar size to E.coli, but spherical. As far as I remember,
10^9 dry cells from a liter of culture weighed in the range of 1g pretty
consistently for me about 6 years ago :-).
>> Would you like the mailing address for that egg?
No I have the book.
>> Incidentally, who said that the largest viruses are larger than the
> bacteria? I have to admit, I know little about viruses, but I can hardly
> believe that statement is true. What virus is as large as a bacterium?
Pox virus is 0.25 x 0.5 micron...
- Emir