mass of bacteria

Colin A. B. Davidson cabd2 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Fri Apr 5 04:04:27 EST 2002

"Graham Shepherd" <muhero.nospam at globalnet.co.uk> wrote in message
news:a8ic04$ket$1 at helle.btinternet.com...

> I'll just leave this Cadbury's creme egg here for anyone who shows that
> experimental result is more than a factor of 2 away from the calculated
> result, using an agreed set of published dimensions for the bug.

I suspect that you're going to be clsoe enough to the experimental figure
with your guestimate. I also suspect that you'd get pretty close to a good
figure experimentally, the only thing I'd add is that you might get a more
accurate cell count by one of the various flow cytometry methods, and that
might boost your accuracy a bit. At the end of the day, the theoretical
value is probably good enough:-)

Shame though, I could just fancy a creme egg right now...

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