Looking for environment data

Dion Whitehead dionjwDIESPAM at clear.net.nz
Tue Apr 2 06:59:03 EST 2002

Hello all,

I am doing research into horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. Basically, I 
need data on the habitats of all the microbes that have been sequenced so 
far (about 69). This might sound trivial, but I have been having a lot of 
difficulty finding good, meaningful information. I mean, there are a 
thousand and one databases on genomes, but finding out *where* these 
bacteria come from, that is another story.

Are there any databases that list the habitats microbes?

Are there any books that have this information? My searches have proven 
surprisingly fruitless, even across multiple textbooks. I really need to 
know all the locations they have been isolated.

For example, E. coli has been isloated in the digestive tract of humans, 
pigs, etc, and is found in low concentration in some rivers.

If anybody has ANY tips, or directions, I will appreciate that a lot.
Thanks in advance,
Dion Whitehead

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