So it was 1%. Shouldn't do any damage then.
We still have the problem that it is not effective against mycobacteria.
Higher concentrations would be, but that does damage to the safety-hood.
Denatured ethanol or isopropanol 70% are common disinfectants here for lab
Lyorthol was used also, but that is not allowed anymore for disinfection.
Safety, environment or whatever. Our government still hasn't allowed a good
alternative. So labs are still using old illegal lyorthol stocks or pray that
1% chlorine kills some of the mycobacteria in our waste.
Dilworth wrote:
> I checked with our former safety officer tonight about the bleach
> solution. He said we used it (20% bleach) because bleach gave a better
> kill rate than any of the other disinfectants we could buy commercially
> (and it was cheap). He said he made it from household bleach, so that
> it would be approx. a 1% working solution.
>> You could also make it from some of the fancy smelling bleaches Clorox
> is putting out now, but it would be more expensive.
>> He also said we never had problems with it pitting any of the stainless
> steel finishes on any of our equipment, either. He had never heard of
> anyone using an alcohol for this purpose.
>> The only thing you really have to be careful about it not to splash it
> on your clothes.
>> Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
> Microbiology
>> Dilworth wrote:
> >
> > I was always under the assumption it was 20% bleach. This was at my
> > former hospital that closed in 1996, but our safety officer from that
> > time now works at my place in chemistry on my shift, so I will run it by
> > him.......
Chello in het ziekenfondspakket?
Onverzekerbare risico's vallen onder de AWBZ