Exciting Business Opportunity not mlm $$$$$

58865758 at yahoo.com 58865758 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 17 23:38:31 EST 2001

Screwed by MLM... 8 time million dollar earner will make it up to you... $$$$

Rule #1 PUT YOUR FRIENDS ON HOLD... do not sell people you know untill you
are making money... I will give you more FREE leads than you can CALL...
I am spending $10,000 weekly to help you build your team...

                    "1000 FREE CARS"
                $1000 weekly + Brand New Car
               In 30 days w/No Financial Risk
            Free Leads! Just send people a tape.

I have done 11 programs... 10 of which I still receive checks from...

I hold the largest check for a first month earning record...

I have help build 3 Billion Dollar Companies...

I have made 1 million dollars 8 times...

I hold every recruiting record there is...

                   If you want more information
            Call the Johnny T Team Coach Joel Sauceda...
               Joel's cell number is (954)301-2220

Dear Potential 20 Team Member...

With this program all you need is 21 people to be at the PLATINUM LEVEL
making money... I plan on emailing 5000 people from my database of qualified
interested people or as many as it takes for each of you to get your 20 team
in place.

They will be directed to call the 800 number and signing up using your
id# until you have 20 exec's personally sponsored. Then I would like to help
each of them sponsor 5 minimum.

                       The Johnny T Team
                        The 20 Team Coach

The following is the type of e-mail that will go out to your prospects...
The only difference is that it will be promoting your id# and name to sign

If you delete this without reading then you need to go to your bathroom and
get a piece of toilet paper and write $5,000 a month and the car of your
dreams and... flush it.

To my Network Friends ... and Partners...

I am sending this to 5000 people on my VIP list... to start ... then once I
have my 20 team in place I will help each of them have their 20 by sending
out a 5000 or more  e-mails to personally find their 20... next we will build
your 20 teams business to at least 5 executives for each of your personally

With my help and expertise and God given talent this will truly be something
very simple ... by you committing this to me... I in turn will help you take
it to the next level which is helping your 20 team with their 20 team...

Your income from this program should exceed $3000 to $5,000 monthly and a
company car ... all within 3 to 6 months or less...

I know for some of my friends $5,000 a month is not motivating ... but
together we will take this to the next level ... this marketing plan is a
good one and it could grow into a $50,000 a month income...

This is one yes Decision you will be glad you made...

               If you want more information
                   Call Joel Sauceda...
          Joel's cell number is (954)301-2220

As of 12 noon 3/4/01 there were positions open for my personal MASTER TEAM
In fact call Joel now and reserve your position now ... snooze you lose...

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