
paint52 paint52 at email.msn.com
Sun Mar 11 11:28:56 EST 2001

Coxiella burnetti (Q fever) produces endospore-like structures.

<Aimee023 at aol.com> wrote in message news:da.36fa3ac.27dbe4b4 at aol.com...

I'm a Bacteriology student working on an unknown experiment.  We were to
isolate 2 unknown organisms and determine their identity down to Genus and
Species. I have had no problem getting the 2 organisms isolated and growing
successfully.  Here is my problem....I did several Gram Stains on Organism B
and it is definitely Gram Negative, the rods are short but there are
endospores!!  I did 2 endospore tests and my TA also concluded that I had
endospore formation.  I didn't think Gram Negative bacteria could produce
endospores. My TA cannot give me any additional information because this is
an independent assignment.  There is a list of possible organisms and my
unknown B doesn't fit any of these.  Can anyone provide
suggestions/advice...I would greatly appreciate it =)

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