Problems isolating plasmids from E.coli JM110

Aldert Zomer zomeral at biol.rug.nl
Fri Mar 16 04:42:39 EST 2001

Paul Cullen wrote:
> I would try incorporating a phenol/chloroform and chloroform extraction
> into your miniprep. I routinely do this for endonuclease producing
> strains with much success.

If you use a kit for miniprep, the kit from Roche contains an extra
washing buffer which can be used if your strain produces endonuclease.

Ing. Aldert Zomer,                      | Tel: +31 50 36 32 360
Research Technician,                    | Fax: +31 50 36 35 205
IMEnz Bioengineering,                   | Email: zomeral at biol.rug.nl
PO BOX 14, 9750 AA Haren, Netherlands   | Homepage: http://www.imenz.com
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