microbial contamination of fuel oil

R. I. Mateles rmateles at candida.com
Wed Mar 14 16:20:08 EST 2001

The problem exists when there is some water in the petroleum storage vessel.
Unless precautions have been taken to use a growth inhibitor, there will be
development of microbial growth at the oil-water interface and in the water.
Then the growth can plug the burner, etc., and some of the metabolic
products are not great for the fuel systems either.

If there is water, and storage is prolonged, you may assume that there will
be microbial growth.

Rich Mateles



Candida Corporation
Suite 1310
220 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60604

Tel: (312) 431-1601
Fax: (312) 431-1605
rmateles at candida.com
"Paul and Kimberly Liska" <pliska at istar.ca> wrote in message
news:nyzp6.12317$ZT5.333796 at news.total.net...
> Hello:
> I am interested in finding out if anyone knows of a technique for testing
> fuel oil for microbiological contamination (MBC). Is there an established
> method available? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.

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