Help: E.coli at RT ???????????????

Dr. Hiranya S. Roychowdhury hroychow at nmsu.edu
Tue Mar 13 21:43:33 EST 2001

Never tried that -- sending glycerol stocks, I mean. 

However, it is possible to send just the clone (i.e., plasmid) as a spot on
a piece of nylon/nitrocellulose membrane or on simply a piece of paper. The
recipient will then have to elute the DNA out with some TE and transform a
host E. coli (eg. DH5a).

If the plasmid HAS to be sent in DH5a, the cells may be shipped in a
dehydrated form on a piece of nitrocellulose. In not too distant a past,
bacterial cells, fungal spores, etc. used to be stored and shipped in dry
form inside evacuated sealed glass vials. The other popular method of
shipment is a 'stab'.

hope this helps

At 06:59 PM 3/12/01 -0000, ParentE at dfo-mpo.gc.ca wrote:
>Hello all.
>I have to send some cloned E.coli  DH5 from the US to Canada. As I had
>problems in the past with samples taking a long time to clear customs, I
>would like to know how long and E.coli in glycerol can stay at room
>temperature before I get into trouble? Just in case...
>I'm sorry for the basic question, but I'm really not a microbiologist
>Thank you
>Eric Parent
>aurice Lamontagne Institute
>Fisheries and Oceans Canada
>Invertebrates and Experimental Biology
>850 route de la mer, P.O. box. 1000
>Mont-Joli, Qc	
>G5H 3Z4
>parente at dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Dr. Hiranya Sankar Roychowdhury
College Asst. Prof.
Molecular Biology,
Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry	
Box 30001 - 3MLS
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Lab: (505) 646 4722
Office: (505) 646 8256
hroychow at nmsu.edu


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