biovisa.net--a free, fully customizable community site built by and for bioresearchers

zhuowang zhuowang at aludra.usc.edu
Mon Mar 12 14:21:32 EST 2001


Biovisa.net is a free, fully customizable community site built by and for
bioresearchers. It has a collection of 1171 online journals, 1017 online  
protocols and 72 forums by 3/11/2001. 

The website is database-driven, so that you can mark any protocols,
journals, forums, or threads in forums, of your interest and organize them
in a convenient way. And you can write your own or read others' comments
on a protocol that interests you. Our collection  of 72 forums helps you
reach more people when you need help. 

The website is growing daily and new features are added based on feedbacks
from scientists. So if you have time, please take a look at it. Any
feedbacks would be highly appreciated. 

Many thanks. 

webmaster of Biovisa.net 


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