Dear Lesley,
the image was a gift from a collegue and who says the image is
a cryoTEM of a frozen section. Is that a complete enough answer? Mike.
On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Lesley Robertson wrote:
> "Michael Witty" <mw132 at> wrote in message
> news:Pine.SGI.3.96.1010306124844.21396721A-100000 at> > Dear All,
> > I am trying to interpret my electron micrographs of Pseudomonas
> > aeruginosa to identify the periplasmic space. The professor next door
> > says that the outer membrane is often seen as triple tracked because of
> > the lipopolysaccharide layer - is this the experience of everybody?
> > Regards, Mike.
> Which stain did you use?
> Lesley Robertson, Delft.