Seqs, synths, mass specs, MALDIs available

Michael Sherrell grizzly at 2xtreme.net
Mon Mar 5 22:19:40 EST 2001

Sequencers, synthesizers, Mass Specs, MALDIs for sale:

*Peptide and oligo synthesizers and sequencers:
    MegaBace 1000: $150,000.
    ABI 377: $39,000. 96-lane; Sequencing mod.; includes ABI install.
    ABI 377: $29,000. 64-lane; Sequencing mod.; includes ABI install.
    ABI 310: $32,000. Refurbed/warranteed
    ABI 394: $12,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
    ABI 392: $10,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
    Beckman 1000M: $11,000; warranty
    ABI 3948: $20,000 or offer. Working well in lab now.
    ABI 373 stretch: $9,000. Big Dye upgrade
    Li-Cor 4200L-2: $31,500
    ABI 430 peptide synthesizer: $10,500. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty
    ABI 432 peptide synthesizer: $15,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty
    ABI 433 peptide synthesizer: $34,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty
    PerSeptive Pioneer: $55,000. W/ MPS option (16 simultaneous). 1.5 yrs.
    ABI Procise 492 HT: $80,000 w/ABI installation
    PerSeptive 9050+: $11,000 rblt./warranty
    ACT 200 and 357-MPS: call for pricing
    ABI 477-120: <=$5,000

    Finnigan API 2000: $120,000. Available May 1.
    Finnigan LCQ Classic: $98,000: API, APCI, installed w/ 1 year warr;
includes BioMASS Deconvolution and TurboSEQUEST software.
    Finnigan TSQ 7000: $125,000 w/ Finnigan install, 30-day warr; API 2;
    Sciex API III+: $48,000. Triple quad: ES, APCI; +$10K/intall w/ 90-day
    Sciex API 365: $97,500 installed w/ 30-day warr.
    Sciex API 300: $54,000 incl. install/warranty
    Finnigan Navigator: call.
    Finnigan SSQ 7000: $50,000. Single quad: API 1; current Excalibur
    Finnigan TSQ 700: $ 60,000. 1993 triple quad; API 1, electrospray, APCI,
DCI; new Alpha workstn (Y2K-ok); includes factory install + factory 90-day
    Waters Integrity LC/MS: $60,000. Current benchtop model; excellent
    Micromass Platform II: call.
    Kratos Concept 4-sector: $20,000. LSIMS, EI, FD; 10,000 mass range.
    MAT 95: $260,000. Hi res mag sector. 1994, ES, APCI, FAB, Thermospray,
GC interface, install, delivery, 1 yr warranty
    VG70E-HF hi-res mag sector: $20,000. EI/CI, FAB.
    Finnigan MAT 90: <$50,000. Hi-resolution magnetic sector

    Voyager Elite: asking $50,000.
    LaserTec II: $75,000. By PerSeptive. 5 yrs. old; excellent condition.
    Finnigan MAT Vision 2000 Reflectron: $80,000; includes install, 1 year
    Thermo/Finnigan Dynamo linear DE: $ 65,000: includes install, 1 year
    Voyager LBT2: $35,000. ~1993. Excellent condition. Non-DE.
    Voyager/Vestek non-DE, non-RP: $25,000.

*Other expensive hi-tech items:
    Bruker AMX 600 NMR, $295,000 installed and warranteed
    Genomic Solutions GeneTAC Hybridization Station
(http://www.genomicsolutions.com/products/bio/hyb.html) ~$50,000
    INTEGRAL® 100Q Biospecific MDLC Workstation: ~$50,000
    Flexysystem colony picker, nearly new. Call for price.
    Biopick BP600 colony picker: ~$50,000
    Process Engineers 29 liter mammalian cell bioreactor, new/unused,
~$35,000 or best offer.
    Pharmacia Smart sytem: cost $65,000 new; used only a few hrs.; asking

*Too hard to classify:
    MD Storm: $45,000; new schanning head, guaranteed ok for svc contract
    MD Phosphorimager 445SI incl. personal densitometer, $19,000
    MD Phosphorimager 425E: offers considered
    MD Personal Densitometer SI -- email for price
    MD Cytosensor, ~ 50% of new price
    ABI 877 Catalyst turbo: $12,000
    PE 9600 thermocyclers: $4,500
    PE 480 thermocyclers: $3,000
    ABI 120: $1,500
    Hitachi H-600AB TEM, < $20,000

    3rd party service for Sciex/API mass specs
    We rebuild valve blocks for ABI 430, 431 and 39x @ $65/port, 90-day
    Service and contracts on ABI 39n and PerSeptive 8909/8905s available.

*Also available:
    HPLCs, ICs, CEs, FPLCs: microbore to prep scale: HP, Beckman, Waters,
Gilson, etc.
    Gilson, Beckman, Tecan, Packard robots/liquid handlers
    A variety of other lab instruments

    Please call or email with your request. I'm also interested in
instruments you may have to sell.


Michael Sherrell
mike at grizzlyanalytical.com
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834


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