Breakthroughs in Antibiotic Development and Use

Prudhomme, James jprudhomme at ibcusa.com
Tue Jun 12 14:54:40 EST 2001


I am writing to inform everyone that IBC USA Conferences will hold an =
on Antimicrobial & Anti-Viral Drug Discovery on August 13-14, 2001 in
Boston, MA.  Researchers in the field of Antimicrobial and Anti-Viral =
discoverywillpresent their techniques and results at this conference.  =
Go to
the event=92s web site for full details: www.LifeSciencesInfo.com/2647
<http://www.LifeSciencesInfo.com/2647>  or simply e-mail me for a copy =
the program agenda.


Jim Prudhomme
IBC USA Conferences, Inc.
One Research Drive, Suite 400A
Westborough, MA  01581-5195
Tel: (508) 616-5550 x205
Fax: (508) 616-5522
E-mail: jprudhomme at ibcusa.com <mailto:jprudhomme at ibcusa.com>=20


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