Bacitracin and Group A Streps

Dilworth bactitech at hortonsbay.com
Tue Jul 31 23:46:30 EST 2001

Why did you make the switch?  I've only ever used TSA with 5% sheep
blood for primary media, although I remember reading somewhere that
horse blood is the standard in Australia (why I don't know, as they have
LOTS of sheep in Australia - maybe someone from Au can answer
that....).  I would suspect that the Columbia base also enables them to
grow somewhat larger than they do on sheep blood plates.

Thanks for the information. I had no idea they would look differently.

Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)

John Gentile wrote:
> Judy,
>     Actually we see quite a few of them since we use Columbia with 5% Horse
> Blood Agar as our primary blood plate. Many Enterococcus feacalis are Gamma
> or Alpha hemolytic on Sheep Blood, but show a nice Beta hemolysis on Horse.
>     Horse is also good for growing Haemophilus without additional growth
> factors.

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