Job: RA in Eukaryotic Gene Expression

Andrew G. McArthur mcarthur at mbl.edu
Wed Jul 25 14:09:34 EST 2001


The Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts is 
seeking applicants for a full-time Research Assistant I/II in the 
Josephine Bay Paul Center in Comparative Molecular Biology and 
Evolution (www.mbl.edu/baypaul).


Primarily responsible for the molecular biology aspects of an 
examination of global gene expression throughout the life cycle of 
the important human pathogen Giardia lamblia, using Serial Analysis 
of Gene Expression (SAGE; www.sagenet.org);

Close collaboration with the ongoing Giardia lamblia Genome Project 

Involves genome annotation efforts, analysis of gene expression 
patterns, and evolutionary analysis of this ancient eukaryote;

As a member of the lab of Andrew McArthur at the JBPC 
(www.mbl.edu/baypaul/mcarthur) the successful candidate will 
additionally participate in projects involving molecular evolution, 
computational biology, and molecular systematics of a variety of 


Requirements: A BSc or MSc in molecular cell biology, plus 
familiarity with eukaryotic cell organization and function.  Must be 
a skilled molecular biologist and be familiar with as many of the 
following as possible: DNA and RNA extraction, cDNA construction, 
restriction digests, PCR, RT-PCR, cloning and plasmid preparation, 
DNA sequencing.  As part of professional development, this position 
will provide thorough training in high-throughput DNA sequencing and 
genomics.  Additional interest in computational biology or 
bioinformatics, particularly in regards to genomics and 
phylogenetics, is desirable but thorough training will be provided if 
needed.   Must be a clear communicator as the project involves 
collaboration with the lab of Frances Gillin at the University of 
California at San Diego 


Until a suitable candidate is identified.


Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, the 
names, telephone numbers and email addresses of three references. 
Please send materials to: Marine Biological Laboratory, Attn: Human 
Resources reference code [RAI/II GLG AM], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, 
MA  02543-1015; telephone 508 289-7422; email: resume at mbl.edu

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer/Non-smoking workplace

Josephine Bay Paul Center
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015


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