use of FDA to detect soil microbes

martin weiss mweiss at nyhallsci.org
Tue Jul 24 12:23:24 EST 2001

We have developed an activity for visitors to detect life in soil 
using fluorescein diacetate (in DMSO). However, the reaction proceeds 
very slowly reaching a peak after a day or so.

Does anyone have any suggestions to speed up the reaction?. We've 
tried heat (55 C) and SDS (2% final) to no avail.


Martin Weiss, Ph.D.
Director of Science
New York Hall of Science
47-01 111 th Street
Corona, New York 11368
phone: 718 699 0005 x 356
facsimile:718 699 1341
mweiss at nyhallsci.org


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