What do you know about the enzyme; is it constituative, induced or
derepressed? What are your culture conditions ? Are you growing under
P-limitation or with an organic P source (e.g., glycerol-phosphate) ?
Bruce Caldwell
Department of Forest Science
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR USA
Gay Olivier-Lilley wrote:
> I am trying to isolate a secreted alkaline phosphatase from Lysobacter
> enzymogenes. My experience at present is that the organism produces the
> enzyme only sporadically even when it is grown under the same conditions.
>> Does anyone have any suggestion from experience about what factors may be
> affecting the production of this enzyme and how I might manipulate the
> conditions to favor its production?
>> Thank you for your help!
>> Gay
>> Gay L. Olivier-Lilley, Ph.D.
> Point Loma Nazarene University
> San Diego, CA 92106
>> ---