
Harry Bryant hebryant at scj.com
Fri Jul 13 13:40:27 EST 2001

According to Identifying Filamentous Fungi: A Clinical Laboratory
Handbook p.76, by St-Germain and Summerbell (Ontario Ministry of

Aspergillus versicolor

"Pathogenicity:  rarely a cause of deep infection in humans. 
Occasionally responsible for cases of onchoymcosis."

Hope this helps.

Harry Bryant

Marcel JULIEN <marcel-julien at sympatico.ca> wrote in message news:<B772F899.5110%marcel-julien at sympatico.ca>...
> Hi!
> I'm a engineer practicing in  the Province of Quebec. When I was doing an
> expertise in a client¹s house I found fungus and from the analyze  we found
> that the fungus was aspergillus versicolor - ufc/g  > 30 x10exp6.
> I would  welcome  informations  and researches about the toxicity of this
> fungus. 
> I thank you in advance for your informations  des informations
> Marcel Julien, ing
> 5277, boul. Couture
> Saint-Léonard (Québec)
> Canada HIR IC9

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