how to load winfax controller with fax number and

ts1 at its.com.sg ts1 at its.com.sg
Fri Jul 13 02:35:13 EST 2001

how to load winfax controller with fax number and attachment fax document

I know winfax has it's own database function which can let you import dbase database into it's phonebook, and schedule to fax out the document one by one.

but I just want to design a database program which can run a database query and select few fax number, select the attachment fax document,  then the program will automatically load winfax controller, put the selected fax number on the winfax controller fax number , put the selected attachment on the winfax controller attachment, and automatically fax out, then the program will put the second fax number on the controller fax number, and fax out ........

I don't know how to load winfax controller, how to put the fax number, how to put attachment, does winfax have such kind of external link function for developer.

any help will be highly appreciately.



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