Taking samples

Edward EF_v_harskamp at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 10 09:33:09 EST 2001

We are a start up microbiological environmental lab. Until now we have found
out everything to startup the company with the exception of one thing. We
have not found out how take samples according to a E.U. accepted method. It’
s very important to work according to a E.U. accepted method, otherwise the
company will not be  accepted as a company that works according to the E.U.
given rules in this field. The company want’s to take samples from different
kinds of food, provender, air-conditioning systems, water, soil , in houses
and buildings. My question is whether someone could send me an answer, or
where I can find this information, on the question how to take samples from
food, provender, air-conditioning systems, water, soil , in houses and
buildings? The way to take samples has often to do with statistics.

Many thanks for answering this question.

Edward van Harskamp

e-mail  EF_v_harskamp at hotmail.com

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