Need help finding bacteria that produce water soluble pigments

Dr. Artem Evdokimov eudokima at mail.ncifcrf.gov
Sun Jul 8 16:44:15 EST 2001

The relation between the concentration of the siderophore and the actual
bacterial count can be assumed linear only under the most carefully
controlled conditions, if ever.

Chris Fields wrote:
> Many bacteria produce water-soluble pigments due to iron starvation; the
> pigments are siderophores that scavenge iron.  Pseudomonas sp. and
> Azotobacter are but a few that do this.  Azotobacter can actually be
> identified based on the pigments produced, much like the Pseudomonads,
> and can be isolated by using a defined nitrogen-free media like Burke's.

|Dr. Artem Evdokimov   Protein Engineering |
| NCI-Frederick        Tel. (301)846-5401  |
|              FAX (301)846-7148           |
|        eudokima at mail.ncifcrf.gov         |
|      http://www.ncifcrf.gov/plague       |

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