
lamb L.A.M.Buisman at chello.nl
Fri Jul 6 15:51:28 EST 2001

Dilworth wrote:

> We used to call them "giginooks" or "gigs" for short.  I have no idea
> why. I think it was a homemade word.

Like we called those rubber bulbs for glass Pasteur pipettes "fiep" (pronounced as "feep".
Probably because nobody liked the official name, which is the Dutch word for nipple.

> The gig was a homemade affair with
> a two holed stopper and two hollow glass rods in the holes (one short -
> we used glass pipettes).  Rubber tubing was attached to the second one
> with a clamp.  We put a small glass tube over the tip with autoclave
> tape before autoclaving the apparatus. We would tape it on the hot
> flask, carefully turn it over on a ring stand, and dispense the plates.
> It was something our Ph.D. thought up and we used them for years.  They
> probably weren't very safe, though.

Again, those were the days ..... when nobody seemed to be safety conscious.

> We poured all of our MacConkey,
> Sabarauds, XLD, BHI, and other plates this way for years.
> BTW, yes, we autoclaved after the swirling, then cooled in a 56 degree C
> hot water bath until we were ready to pour.

The guys that make our media get a kick out of bright red bloodagar.
They lowered and lowered the temperature until it was perfect: 42 degrees.
And still no lumps !


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