
lamb L.A.M.Buisman at chello.nl
Fri Jul 6 15:36:55 EST 2001

annie_t wrote:

> Pourers? (although "thingsies" is a great word!! I tend to use - "whatsits"
> <g>)

No, not a pourer. That's connected to it. A sort of advaced pressure cooker with
a stainless steel bucket in it. Throw the dry stuff in the buckett. Add water.
Switch on the program you want. It heats, it stirs, it cools. When the soup is
at the temperature that has been set for pouring supplements can be added. It
keeps that temperature until the pouring is finished and you switch off. It
prints a fantastic long stretch of paper with all the details of the process,
especially if you have lunch in the meantime (recording every minute or so).
Ours can make 9 liters.

Media Processor maybe?

> Which work well until a tube gets blocked + suddenly ( if you're pouring
> blood agar plates) it looks like a scene from Texas Chain Saw massacre!

And of course always towards you .....
That's why we use all those stirrersand waterbaths. We don't like lumps.in our

> Ahhh..... those were the days!
> Now, the only agar I pour is for electrophoreisis gels for PCR!

I must say, I used too like that. The beautiful moment of pulling those combs
out  Always surprised me that the lot didn't collapse. But no colours ......


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