
gavin gavin at zonvark.wustl.edu
Fri Jul 6 15:36:34 EST 2001

There are quite a few species that can use selenate/selenite concomitantly with sulfur, and producing reduced sulfur species (both inorganic and organic one; some organic S species are pretty smelly). For example,

Rhodobacter sphaeroides (a phototroph),
Sulfurospirillum barnesii (a mesophilic bacterium),
Pyrobaculum arsenaticum (a thermophilic archaeon).

These papers will give you more info on the microbes, isolation methods, and growth media.

van Fleet-Stalder V., Chasteen T.G., Pickering I.J., George G.N., and Prince R.C.  (2000)  Fate of Selenate and Selenite Metabolized by Rhodobacter sphaeroides.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66, 4849-4853.

Stolz J.F., Ellis D.J., Switzer Blum J., Ahmann D., Lovley D.R., and Oremland R.S.  (1999)  Sulfurospirillum barnesii sp. nov. and Sulfurospirillum arsenophilum sp. nov., new members of the Sulfurospirillum clade of the e-Proteobacteria.  Int. J.
Syst. Bacteriol. 49, 1177-1180.

Huber R., Sacheer M., Vollmann A., Huber H., and Rose D.  (2000)  Respiration of arsenate and selenate by hyperthermophilic archaea.  Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 23, 305-314.

Gavin Chan
Earth & Planetary Sciences        Tel: (314) 935-4080
Washington University             Fax: (314) 935-7361
Campus Box 1169                 email: gavin at zonvark.wustl.edu
One Brookings Dr.                 www: http://levee.wustl.edu/~chan
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

"max at gte.net" wrote:

> I am looking for a type of bacteria that will cause an off odor of
> sulfur produced from the metabolism of selenium. Does anyone have any
> info on this or how to isolate the bacteria from a water sample. What
> would be the best media to plate on?

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