bacteria analyses

Edward EF_v_harskamp at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 6 07:47:04 EST 2001

Could someone answer the next couple of questions. By this I like to thank
you for answering my questions.

Which good, quickly to carry out, cheap qualitative analyzing method is in
general accepted to test whether there is the existence of pathological

Could someone give me the name of a good cheap and fast non molecular (with
no use of a  PCR, sequencer, etc) based analyzing method or technique that
is widely accepted throughout the E.U. to test on the Escherichia coli,
Salmonella, Aeromonas, Legionella, Campylobacter and  Shigella, listeria ,
staphylococcus aureus and yiersinia, francisella, vibrio cholerea, etc.
bacteria? The test shall be used in the following areas: Soil, water, food,
provender, airco units and in houses.

How does this method work?

Which manufacturer sells this kind of tests?

You can send your answer(s) to my E-mail address  EF_v_Harskamp at Hotmail.com
Thank you

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