
Dilworth bactitech at hortonsbay.com
Thu Jul 5 19:02:33 EST 2001

We used to call them "giginooks" or "gigs" for short.  I have no idea
why. I think it was a homemade word.  The gig was a homemade affair with
a two holed stopper and two hollow glass rods in the holes (one short -
we used glass pipettes).  Rubber tubing was attached to the second one
with a clamp.  We put a small glass tube over the tip with autoclave
tape before autoclaving the apparatus. We would tape it on the hot
flask, carefully turn it over on a ring stand, and dispense the plates. 
It was something our Ph.D. thought up and we used them for years.  They
probably weren't very safe, though.  We poured all of our MacConkey,
Sabarauds, XLD, BHI, and other plates this way for years.

BTW, yes, we autoclaved after the swirling, then cooled in a 56 degree C
hot water bath until we were ready to pour.

Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
> Larry Farrell wrote:
> > Am I simply overlooking something here or does this completely miss the need to
> > sterilize the medium? 

lamb wrote:
> For larger batches we have nice automatic thingsies, can't think of the English word
> for them.
> Loes

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