
dnardi dovnardi at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 18 14:28:50 EST 2001

Hi Gavin!

The term auxotrophic relates to prokaryotic organisms that cannot produce
essential compounds for their "living" (such as germs that cannot produce
the amino acid metionen) in comparison to the wild type of that particular
type of germ.

The term autotrophic means the opposite of auxotrophic and relates to
prokaryotic organisms that can produce essential compounds for their
"living", another words, the term autotrophic refers to the wild type of a
prokaryotic organism.

I will be happy to answer any of your other questions in biology,
microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry etc. at my email: alonnardi at yahoo.com

"Gavin" <gavin at zonvark.wustl.edu> wrote in message
news:39EF2F13.83985F53 at zonvark.wustl.edu...
> Hi,
> Just a quick question:  What does "auxotrophic" mean?
> I suspect it is not the same as "autotrophic".
> Gavin

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