Is Your Web Site Making Money?
Now more then ever, e-commerce is becoming a way of life.
Every day millions of people are logging on to the web to
conduct business, purchase products and hire services. Many
merchants have already established their online presence
with the capability of accepting credit cards to accommodate
their growing marketplace where everything one can imagine
is right at the consumer's fingertips. Is your Web Site
Retail Rates as low as 1.5% and $0.20 per Transaction! Mail
Order and Internet Rates as low as 2.25% and $0.20 per
Transaction! No Application Fee! No Set Up Fee! 99% Approval
Guaranteed Shopping Carts available fully integrated with
the payment gateway
Discover how easy, flexible and affordable online payments
can be
EASY- See how Harbor-net's payment gateway plugs seamlessly
into your web site
FLEXIBLE - From simple products such as the web terminal and
shopping carts to building your complete online store
AFFORDABLE - Prices set for businesses of all sizes
Click here and see how you can start making money today!
Fax: 877-582-2128 Tel: 800-728-4445