E. coli and Psuedomonas natural biology

eoin.brodie at ucd.ie eoin.brodie at ucd.ie
Fri Jan 12 06:38:02 EST 2001

Hello again Michael, how's the OD probe work going?

E.coli is an intestinal organism (enteric coliform) - there are loads 
of books/papers etc out there. Pseudomonas is probably the most 
common soil bacterium, so again there is a lot of info about it.

For a start you could try 
Palleroni, N J. - The Pseudomonas group. - Shildon : Meadowfield 
Press, 1978. - (Patterns of
 progress : microbiology series ; 15).


E. coli : friend or foe? / edited by H. Chart, M. Sussman, D.E.S. 
Stewart-Tu. - Oxford : Blackwell
 Science, 2000. - (The Society for Applied Microbiology 
Symposium series ; no.29). 


Cooke, E. Mary (Edith Mary). - Escherichia coli and man / [by] E. 
Mary Cooke. Foreword by R. A.
 Shooter. - Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1974.

plus I would expect a general search would yield tons of journal 

Good luck


Eoin Brodie
Dept Industrial Microbiology
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
Tel. +353 1 706 1574
Fax. +353 1 706 1183


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