[Nitrogenase inhibitor]

kinman at usa.net kinman at usa.net
Thu Jan 4 20:22:05 EST 2001

      Well, oxygen (O2) would inhibit nitrogenase without inhibiting
      Or how about acetylene?  That's the only two things I can think of
offhand, but can't say whether either of them would definitely work.
              -------Ken Kinman
gerchman at Princeton.EDU (Yoram Gerchman) wrote:
Greetings Netters
I am looking for a way to inhibit electron flow to Nitrogenase in vivo
(in Cyanobacteria). Someone suggested Carbon Monoxide but this will
inhibit respiration as well, any ideas?
Thanks (and happy new year) Yoarm
"Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have"


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