----- Original Message -----
From: "Hochberg, Alan M" <Hochbeam at Qualicon.email.dupont.com>
To: "Microbiology List Mailing List" <micro-list at qualicon.com>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 9:03 PM
Subject: Microbiology List: FW: Filamentous bacteria identification
> From: Albert Parisien [mailto:albert.parisien at sympatico.ca]
> <mailto:[mailto:albert.parisien at sympatico.ca]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 1:57 PM
> To: microbio at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk <mailto:microbio at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>
> Subject: Re: Filamentous bacteria identification
>>> Thank you Mr. Farrell for your answer,
> The person who took the pictures told me it was a Gram +, diam of filament
> between 1.2 to 1.5 micron with an hypha constituted of cocci like cells.
> Is there any coloration or test I could do to determine wich bacteria I
> have?
> Could the bacteria be a nocardia sp ?
> I also need to find information on the life cycle ( division time) of
> filamentous bacteria is there a good web page that could help me?
>>You could possibly contact my collegue Dr. Michael Wagner
(wagner at mikro.biologie.tu-muenchen.de) for analysis with FISH (fluorescent
oligonucleotide probes) in cooperation.
W. Schwarz