DewDrops is a non-oily facial emollient, which soothes and
heals sensitive, allergic and aging skin.
Designed by a nutritionist/master herbalist, this unique
formula nourishes from the outside in with its vitamin and
herbal make-up.
Find out for yourself why people are giving up Lancome,
Clinique and other expensive products for DewDrops.
Here are some of their comments:
"I will never be without my DewDrops."
"This is miracle stuff."
"You should get this patented."
"The fine lines around my eyes are gone, I love it."
"My acne is nearly gone."
"I had patches of dry skin and eczema on my face and now its
Note the satisfaction guarantee:
1 ounce bottle sells for $20.00 plus $4.00 S&H
suggested use = 3-5 drops per day..1 bottle last ~ 5.5
Please print this email and fill out the form below
then mail it to:
Red Apple Nutrition Services
17 Windsor Avenue
Medford, OR 97504
Or call TOLL-FREE @ 877-93-APPLE (877-932-7753)
------------- Order Form ---------------
Full Name: __________________________________________
Street Address: _____________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ______________ / ___ / _________
Daytime Phone: ______________________________________
Evening Phone: ______________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________
( ) Please call me so that I can place an order.
( ) Please remove my email address from any future mailings.
( ) I am sending payment via check or money order with this form.
If paying by check please make check payable to Red Apple Nutrition
Services. Please allow 5-7 Business Days for Check Processing.
Please specify number of bottles that you wish to order ___________