it is salmonella. Wash hands thoroughly after handling eggs...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Clayton" <Claytons.Claytons at>
To: <microbio at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: help with SALMONMELLA
> I am studying salmonmella and the preventative actions that you can take
> to stop 1)spreading it 2)becoming ill from it.
>> My task is to design a list of approprite actions that would forfill
> actions.
> Could you please add any others that I might have missed off. Thanks:
>> * Cover up food (esp. chicken) when in the fridge
> * Wash hands when handling foods
> * Wash all surfaces before and after preparing food
> * Use disposable cloths to dry up suraces
> * Keep hands away from mouth during handling of food
>> Any more suggestions would be vastly appreciated.
>> ----------
> Peter R Clayton
>claytons.claytons at> CLANbob
> ---------