
S.W. Rasmussen swr at crc.dk
Thu Feb 15 02:44:14 EST 2001

The DNATools sequence analysis and handling software package is now at
version 5.1.766 with many new functions and fewer bugs. You can get more
information at http://www.dnatools.dk. The package can be used free of
charge, but requires registration after a four month testing perion.



Dr. scient. Soeren W. Rasmussen
Carlsberg Laboratory, Dept. of Yeast Genetics
10 Gl. Carlsbergvej, DK-2500, Copenhagen

mail:  swr at crc.dk
homepage: http://www.crc.dk/phys
dna sequencing software: http://www.dnatools.dk
graphic design: http://www.scigraph.dk

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