Virus culture protocol

Albano Neira Navarro anena at eresmas.com
Tue Feb 13 12:18:25 EST 2001

What I'm looking for is a 'classical euchariot virus culture experiment'
There must to be a protocol which is usually given in lab practices for
students. Unfortunately, I didn't do it in my Virology signature; the
reasons: difficult to keep cell cultures alive. Then I thought that maybe a
virtual model of euchariot virus could resolve this problems and students
would be able to learn about some techniques of euc virus culture, because I
only did it with proc viruses.

   Well, you look like a teacher, then, you'll know what I'm talking about.
You use to give us, the students, a very bad practices (at least this is
what happens in my fac)

No more. Thank you very much for your reply, and I would thank more if you
tell me something new about this protocol I'm looking for, but don't remit
me to a book, it would be easy if it was in the Net... or you posted it here
or mail me.

Thanks, doc. :)

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