looking for a biology job!!! i need work!!

Dilworth bactitech at hortonsbay.com
Tue Feb 13 01:25:30 EST 2001

Just a comment, Chris.  If I were in a position to hire someone (I'm
not) I would want someone who posted a request a little more
professionally and accurately than you did.  Nothing is capitalized and
it's difficult to decipher.  I hope the letters you're writing along
with your resumes are a little more professionally done, as I wouldn't
want you to be writing company correspondence this way.

Sorry if I'm picky, but I am.  

Good luck to you.

Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)

chris brown wrote:
> wildlife biologist in sacramento, seeking ft position. open to field work or
> evironmental documents, any consulting companies in sac looking for and
> entry level, but hard working employee please contact for more information!
> aquaticb at pacbell.net
> chris brown

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