Cloning human beings?

Colin A. B. Davidson c.davidson at biotech.cam.ac.uk
Thu Feb 8 05:21:16 EST 2001

"Janu" <janubas at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3A81B814.94343C63 at yahoo.com...
> >So, would you care to rephrase your question to ;
> >Do you think human cloning, including that of human embryos for research
> >into the treatment of fatal diseases, should be allowed?
> Your question was my question. Here my answer:

Ahh, but you avoid my question. Do you actually accept that this is a more
appropriate question?

> Well, in my opinion every technology, which could help us to fight
> should be allowed. Cloning is just one more innovative technology with
> potential and therefore I think we should allow research in this area.
> there are other more reliable technologies at present. The cloning
> still need improvements. As the Dolly-experiment showed, in order to make
> clone several attempts have to be done (277 were needed for Dolly). This
> simply too much. I believe that if enough developments are made in the
> technology, it might become a useful and important tool in the fight
> diseases. Now it is certainly to early to clone human beings, we should
> concentrate on animals.

No one is advocating cloning 'human beings'. There's a big moral difference
between reproductive cloning and the cloning of embryonic cells. The former
is not a step that anyone considers neccesary, the latter is the most likely
avenue open to us to treat/research a range of conditions, most especially
neurodegenerative disorders. You seek to put a break on such research,
delaying any possible treatments and condemning people in the future to
unneccesary suffering.

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