Proced./White Ct/Self-Help

John Gentile yjgent at home.com
Tue Feb 6 22:33:13 EST 2001

I heard of an interesting advance in the placement of antibiotics in hard to
treat areas. They are now placing tiny plastic beads of antibiotics directly
into an infected site. I don't know if this has been tried on prostatitis.

In answer to your query about getting all the lab equipment to do your own -
I think you'll find the learning curve extremely steep. How are you going to
collect prostate "fluid"? The specimens we test are a urine voided after a
prostate massage. 

John Gentile                                    Rhode Island Apple Group
yjgent at home.com                                      President
 "I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities"

> From: kuriyama at my-deja.com
> Organization: Deja.com
> Newsgroups: bionet.microbiology
> Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 20:43:07 GMT
> Subject: Re: Proced./White Ct/Self-Help

> I have access to the hospital library and their success rate is poor.  A
> person will find a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics, but the
> statistics shows little permanent results.  The reason is the prostate
> seems to be resilent to antibiotics.  

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