The best way to look up media is to check the original papers by searching,
e.g., pubmed at or by checking the websites of two
biggest bacterial collections, DSM (German abbreviation for German
Collection of Microorganisms) at or ATCC (Amer. Type Culture
Collection) - I prefer DSM. The medium I found there is this Search the site for more sulfate
reducers and you may find more recipes.
"tegs" <tegs at> wrote in message
news:3G%f6.95137$Wa6.2075171 at
> hello,
>> i hope someone can help me,
> i need the defined culture medium for
> sulfate reducing bacteria for a project in the
> first year of my biology study. i looked on the net
> for a few hours but i found nothing but commercial
> biotechnological sites. i thought that someone here
> could help me out? I need to know the chemical
> substances to form the medium and the quantity..
>> thanks i really appreciate it!