looking for a bacterial soil remediation activity

Martin Weiss mweiss at nyhallsci.org
Sun Feb 4 14:50:08 EST 2001

	Does anyone know of a bacterial soil remediation activity 
that can safely be done in a public (science museum) laboratory 
setting? I'd like to try and set up a long term experiment where 
visitors will do measurements on soil over time and plot the results 
as bacterial "detoxify" the soil.

	Any and all ideas appreciated.

Sorry for the cross posting.


Martin Weiss, Ph.D.
Director of Science
New York Hall of Science
47-01 111 th Street
Flushing Meadows-Corona Park
New York 11368
+1 718 699 0005 x 356 phone
+1 718 699 1341 facsimile
mweiss at nyhallsci.org
weissm at rockefeller.edu


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