Vitek QC EF 29212

Crystalviolent crystalviolent at aol.com
Mon Dec 31 12:37:06 EST 2001

In article <20011231151117.92688.qmail at web14912.mail.yahoo.com>,
hmhgmontis at yahoo.com (Glenn Montis) writes:

>Is anyone in the group experiencing Qc problems with
>Chloramphenicol and EF 29212?

Not chloro, but we have had problems with Amp & the synergies on the 107 card.
It turns out that all ATCC strains are not the same! Vitek studied the problem
(after months of complaining) and determined that there were problems with the
EF 29212 from a single manufacturer and not others. Before Vitek 'fessed up
with this info, they had us grow our culture at 35C non-CO2 which I thought was
a bogus solution since the patient's cultures are grown at 35C in 5%CO2!!!

Contact Vitek and ask for the specific companies involved. 

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