website help needed for antibody design

Michael Witty mw132 at mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
Sat Aug 4 07:31:43 EST 2001

Dear Jayakumar,
              I am not an immunologist, but what is wrong with purifying
a recombinant version of the protein in E. coli and injecting a rabbit?
This may be cheaper and more likely to succeed than having a lot of
synthetic peptides made (is this your strategy?).

Regards, Mike.

> Dear Friends
>      I have a problem. Is there a website that one can go to to find out or
> select the best small region of a
> given protein (as epitope) to be used in the prep of an antibody.  This is
> very urgent.   Any help would be gratefully acknowledged.
> Jayakumar
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> R. Jayakumar
> Dept. of Molecular Microbiology,
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> Email: jakku at mrna.tn.nic.in, (send a copy to jakku at zxmail.com ....just in
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> Science is constructed of facts like a house is of bricks, but a mere
> accumulation of facts does not make science nor does a pile of bricks a
> house
> -Henri Poincare
> ---

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