
Nicholas Landau njl2q at virginia.edu
Mon Apr 30 15:42:46 EST 2001

I thought that it was the alcohol in beer which prevents the growth of
Clostridium. As this is "unfermented" beer, there won't be any alcohol.
The canning process typically depends on high temperature and pressure
to sterilize the stored material. I would use stringient canning
methods. I don't know if beer wert is the best medium for the growth of
Clostridium. However, a mistake could cost you your life!

Jordi Saldo wrote:
> En/Na Thales99 ha escrit:
> > I know botulism is limited with a pH of 4.8 or 4.6 lower, but is there a
> > sugar %
> > which inhibits growth as well?  I plan on canning unfermented beer typically
> > with 11 to 15% sugar content
> Don't worry about the botulism. Beer wort is much more likely spoiled by lactric
> acid bacteria than by clostridium. You should heat your canned product to
> pasteurize it. Why don't heat a little mor to sterilize your cans?
> Jordi Saldo

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