New England Meeting - Soc. for Ind. Microbiol

Theodore C. Crusberg crusberg at WPI.EDU
Thu Apr 26 13:48:45 EST 2001

           Spring Meeting of the New England Section
              Society for Industrial Microbiology
                  May 29 (Tuesday), 2001
                   Lincoln Campus Center
            University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Meeting Agenda:

1:30-2:00 PM  Registration (Lobby, Lincoln Campus Center) and set
              up posters*

2:00-3:00     Dr. Richard Goldsby, Professor and Distinguished Simpson
              Lecturer, Amherst College.  "Human immunoglobin from cloned

3:00-4:00     Dr. Ray Lam, Senior Principal Scientist, Bristol-Meyers
              Squibb.  "The role of natural products in drug discovery"

4:00-5:00     Dr. Derek Lovely, Distinguished Professor and Head,
              Microbiology Department, University of Massachusetts,
              Amherst. "Genome-enabled investigations of anaerobic

5:00-6:00     Poster Session (refreshments)

6:00-7:00     Dinner

7:00-8:00     Dr. Arnold Demain, Professor of Biology, Massachusetts
              Institute of Technology, "So you want to be a

* Student poster abstracts will be accepted by e-mail only, no later than
May 24, to: mudgett at umext.u9mass.edu   or  kin.lam at bms.com
Instructions for poster design will be sent to those who submit an
abstract.  Awards of $200, $100 and $50 will be made.

Reservations are needed only for those staying for dinner.  Cost is $30
for members, $45 for non-members (includes one year membership in local
section) and $10 for students. Contact Dr. Richard Mudgett, Technical
Liaisons, 152 West Street, Amherst MA 01002 (Phone 413-253-4198) (specify
dinner: meat, fish, veggie). Directions or other questions: please e-mail
our host, Dr. Mudgett, at mudgett at umext.umass.edu

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