M.A versus M.S (Molecular biology)

Nicholas Landau njl2q at virginia.edu
Fri Apr 20 19:06:07 EST 2001

If you want a career in scientific research, forget the MA. It isn't
worth your time and toil. You can get jobs as a "consultant" or
something like that with an MA, but it will be hard to get a job in a
research lab.

Hold out for a place which will find funds for you, or get a scholarship
to fund you.

Rajaram Soundararajan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am an M.S in biochemistry and planning on pursuing MA in molecular
> biology concentrating Genetics. This is non-thesis graduate degree. I am
> concerned about my chances of succeeding in this carreer as almost every
> biotech company asks for M.S. Could someone let me know what are my
> chances of getting a research position if I complete M.A?
> My advance sincere thanks to you.
> Devi
> [Though I preferred M.S. the universities around me wont take me for
> lack of funds to provide for research materials]
> ---

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