In article <3AD4184F.2C462327 at>, the eminent Eric DUFOUR at
>For the Dcm methylation system in E. coli, i'm sure it exists. Here is the
>copy of a catalog information about it :
All standard E.coli K12 strains are dam+dcm+. Marinus produced some of
the first dam- dcm- strains and I would hazard a guess that all
subsequent dam- and dcm- derivatives available were produced at one time
or another from his strains.
Find a New England Biolabs catalogue and have a look in the appendix.
Lots of info. On dam, dcm, mrr, mcrAB etc.
GM2929 is available from the CGSC
Homogeneous Fluorescent Reporting Systems for Real-Time Quantitative PCR:
Optimisation, Probe Technology & Future Systems
4-5 September 2001
King Alfred's College, Winchester, UK