License to ship plant pathogens?

John Gentile yjgent at home.com
Mon Nov 20 19:47:28 EST 2000

There are several agencies that cover sending etiologic and hazardous
material. The post office has a publication that they will send you covering
everything you need to know about sending things by US Mail.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) covers ALL other shipping
and receiving - UPS, FedEX, etc. Your shipping office should be able to get
the IATA regulations.
Covering all of this is a US Federal Register, however since I'm at home I
don't know the number.

It all depends on how the pathogens are classified. Etiologic organisms are
human pathogens. How a plant pathogen would be classified I don't know. It
may be in the etiologic group or it may be in the hazardous materials group.

For human pathogens we had to buy special shipping containers that were UN
certified to contain any spill or breakage of the internal vials. The CDC
and the shipping industry are cracking down on following all the various
rules.  Good luck

John Gentile                            Rhode Island Apple Group
yjgent at home.com                         Past President, Publicity Chairman
 "I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities"
> From: <jrascoe-no-spam at cotse.com>
> Organization: mail2news at dizum.com
> Newsgroups: bionet.molbiol.methds-reagnts, bionet.plants, bionet.microbiology
> Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 17:19:30 -0500
> Subject: License to ship plant pathogens?
> hi, can anyone clue me on on what is needed to ship and receive [bacterial]
> plant pathogens within the continental US? thanks.

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