Doctoral Fellowships in Microbiology

Paul Leberg pll6743 at louisiana.edu
Sat Nov 18 11:16:44 EST 2000

Please respond to the address below, and not directly to me, with
general inquires about these fellowships.

Doctoral Fellowship Opportunities in Microbiology
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette will have available University
Fellowships and Louisiana Board of Regents Doctoral Fellowships to
doctoral students for studies in microbiology and other areas.
Fellowships are funded for three to four years and carry stipends of
$12,000- $17,000 per year with waiver of tuition and most fees.
University Fellows are required to teach for half of their funding
period; there is no teaching requirement for Board of Regents fellows.
For more information about the graduate program visit
or contact Dr. Karl H. Hasenstein, Graduate Coordinator, Department of
Biology, University of Louisiana Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, 70504-2451.
Email: hasenstein at louisiana.edu
Applicants are strongly encouraged to directly contact prospective
advisors.  The research interests of individual faculty and adjunct
faculty, as well as contact information, can be found at our web site.


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