question over chromosoms...

Vincent Rasquinet vincent.rasquinet at skynet.be
Mon Nov 6 15:05:05 EST 2000

First of all, please excuse me for my english but i'm a french speaker who's
still at school....
well i'm in my last year of secundary school in scientific...
In biology we studied chromosoms and the mendel's law....
In an exercise we had saw that there could be some recombinations
(chromosoms that are getting cut durin the second  metaphasis if it isn't
the exact word...) but i also saw that in those exercises some double
recombination could happen more often than simple one's (?!?!?!?!)
1/ Is that true?
2/ if it's true how could it happen ? (special shape? affinity between
azotated basis? .....)
thank you very much........

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